Energy crisis Gas consumption in Bonn down by 20 percent

Bonn · At the same time, Bonn residents cut their gas consumption by 20 percent in 2022 compared to the previous year.

The consumption of gas in Bonn was drastically reduced in 2022.

The consumption of gas in Bonn was drastically reduced in 2022.

Foto: dpa/Marcus Brandt

In the last quarter, the consumption of natural gas even fell by 26 percent compared to the same period last year, the Stadtwerke Bonn (SWB) announced.

"These figures are encouraging that we are getting through the cold season well without risking a gas shortage," emphasises Olaf Hermes, Chairman of the SWB Management Board. "Despite the current mild temperatures, however, winter is not over yet. We have to stay the course. Not only because every kilowatt hour of gas saved will also benefit us next winter, but because doing without will also be easier on people's wallets."

BonnNetz managing director Urs Reitis also confirms that it was not only warmer temperatures in October and especially in the first half of November that made this good result possible. Looking at December's figures he said that here, despite the significantly colder temperatures, gas sales were more than seven per cent lower than in the previous year, and a comparison with the other previous years also shows that the people of Bonn consumed less natural gas.

Original text: ga / Translation: Jean Lennox