Debate on social networks Full used glass containers annoy residents in Bonn city area

Bonn · Over the past few days, Bonners have been puzzling on social media about an accumulation of used glass throughout the city. The disposal company Remondis speaks of sickness-related staff issues, but sees other problems too.

 Around 1000 used glass containers – like this one at the Rüngsdorf cemetery – are filled with around 8000 tonnes of recyclable material a year.

Around 1000 used glass containers – like this one at the Rüngsdorf cemetery – are filled with around 8000 tonnes of recyclable material a year.

Foto: Stefan Hermes

Since last weekend, overflowing used glass, paper or old clothes containers have again been a cause of anger among Bonn citizens. Photos of these conditions circulated with corresponding comments on social media. But also container parks standing on remote parking areas caused discussions, because there, the garbage piled up outside the containers too.

"That is, however, not permitted“, explains press spokesperson Anna Ephan of the urban assigned garbage disposal and recycling enterprise Remondis on GA inquiry. Since last weekend, many of the approximately 1000 used glass containers with which Remondis collects and recycles about 8000 tons of glass per year have been overfilled. The result was bottle dumps around the containers. This was also the case in the parking lot of the Rüngsdorfer cemetery, which triggered lively discussions on social networks. It was assumed that the mountains of bottles might have been disposed of there by the surrounding inns.

"No, I don't think so," the driver of a disposal vehicle on Tuesday, who had just spent almost an hour removing the mountains of bottle rubbish around the three containers for white, green and brown glass, was certain: "Pub bottles are mostly collected in bags. And there would then be a recognisably large number of bottles of one variety. "But the people," says Remondis-Mann, "are too lazy to go a few hundred meters further when a container is full, to where there are containers that are barely half full."

Remondis also tells us that innkeepers would generally be allowed to dispose of their glass bottles there. After all, waste glass is a valuable material which is melted and processed into new glass after it has been shredded, cleaned and freed from impurities. "Boxes and bags with bottles are often simply placed in front of the containers. This gives the impression that the containers are full, but some of them are not," says Ephan. The waste disposal company is also aware that several places in Bonn were overfilled last weekend.

"Not all vehicles for the glass collection could be utilised due to absences due to illness and autumn holidays," Ephan admits as a reason for the grievances.

Since Monday, however, they have been back on duty with the full regular crew. Since then, the overflow reports known to them have been prioritized. There could still be a few overfilled glass containers, but they should be completely processed by the end of the week.

(Original text: Stefan Hermes; Translation: Mareike Graepel)