Protection against COVID infection Bonn city authorities install the first air filters at schools and nurseries

Bonn · From Monday, Bonn city authorities are installing the first 42 air purification units in two nurseries and two schools. The other insufficiently ventilated schools on the list are to follow by the end of February.

 Unlike in Bonn, air filtering devices have been in use at schools in Oldenburg for some time.

Unlike in Bonn, air filtering devices have been in use at schools in Oldenburg for some time.

Foto: dpa/Hauke-Christian Dittrich

The first 42 air purification units have arrived for the municipal nurseries and schools which do not have corona-compliant ventilation. Lutz Leide, head of municipal building management (SGB) announced at the school committee on Thursday evening that the units are to be installed from Monday.

The committee learned that these devices will be used at Waldenburger Ring and Annaberger Straße nurseries and at Königin-Juliana-Schule and Derletalschule. The Bonn city authorities have ordered 165 air purification units in total. According to a press release from the city on Friday, further units will be set up in the next few days at the Schule am Hügel (formerly Rheinschule), Kettelerschule, Gotenschule, Beethovenschule, Robert-Koch-Schule, Gemeinschaftsgrundschule Heiderhof, Freiherr-vom-Stein-Realschule, Tannenbusch-Gymnasium, Katholische Hauptschule St. Hedwig, Carl-von-Ossietzky-Gymnasium, Clara-Schumann-Gymnasium, Beethoven-Gymnasium and Heinrich-Hertz-Berufskolleg. “According to current plans, the air filtration units should be in operation by mid-February,” the city said.

The units were ordered in September following long discussions and were originally to be delivered and installed in November. But nothing came of this due to well-known supply problems. The classrooms therefore have had to be supplied with as much fresh air as possible in order to counteract the spread of the coronavirus among pupils, which has already risen sharply.

A renewed inspection last year revealed that 150 classrooms at nurseries and schools were not sufficiently ventilated according to a classification by the Federal Environmental Agency. The filters are not required in all other classrooms, according to the city, due to air conditioning units or wide-opening windows. Eleven rooms are not being used due to a lack of ventilation.

(Original text: Lisa Inhoffen, Translation: Caroline Kusch)
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