Covid update Bonn extends mask requirement

Bonn/Region · The Bonn seven-day incidence dropped significantly from Thursday to Friday. Still, Bonn continues to have the highest incidence in NRW. On Friday, the city announced an extension of the mask requirement. Here are some of the latest developments from the GA live blog on Covid-19.

After many months of lockdown, there is progress in combating the pandemic. The number of new coronavirus infections is slowly declining. Still, people in Germany will have to live with restrictions on their lives for some time to come.

Meanwhile, more and more people have been vaccinated against Covid-19. For those who have the disease or have recovered, some restrictions, including curfews, no longer apply.

Mask requirement in Bonn is extended

In a general decree, the city of Bonn extended the mask requirement on Friday. According to the city, the mask requirement will now be in effect until June 24 in pedestrian zones in Bonn and Bad Godesberg, in the shopping streets of Beuel and Hardtberg, as well as in Poppelsdorf on Clemens-August-Strasse.

For Poppelsdorfer Allee, the corresponding green areas and Clemens-August-Strasse, a daily mask requirement is now in effect from 10 a.m. to midnight. In addition, a mouth-to-nose covering (including scarves, shawls or another covering made of cloth) has to be worn at the main train station, Bertha-von-Suttner-Platz and Konrad-Adenauer-Platz from 7 a.m. to 10 p.m., and in all other areas between 10 a.m. and 8 p.m. A map with this information is available at

Masks are also compulsory in the vicinity of Bonn's schools. All persons who are in the vicinity of 100 meters of a school facility (this includes elementary schools, secondary schools, vocational schools and continuing education facilities) in connection with school use are required to wear a mouth-to-nose mask between 7:30 a.m. and 4 p.m.. This applies particularly to the entrance areas. The surroundings of school facilities are considered to be all adjacent streets and public traffic areas that lie within a 100-meter radius.

Relaxations on restrictions can now remain in place despite isolated Covid outbreaks

Even if there is an outbreak of Covid-19 in a company or facility in North Rhine-Westphalia, the easing of restrictions in the regions can stay in place - even if the new infections exceed the limit allowed. This is part of the new Corona Protection Ordinance published on Friday.

The new version refers to "a clearly definable infection event" in which "spread is not expected according to the assessment of the health authorities based on effective contact tracing." In such a case, the Ministry of Health could refrain from designating the higher incidence level.

This has already happened in the district of Soest after a Covid outbreak in a correctional facility caused the seven-day incidence to rise above 35. The health ministry excluded these cases from the count, allowing level 1 conditions to continue to apply in the district.

 (Orig. text: ga / Translation: Carol Kloeppel)