Certainty after 15 minutes Bonn's first speed test centre opens at Brückenforum
Beuel · This Friday, Bonn's first Corona speed test centre opens in the Brückenforum in Beuel. After the swab test, it takes 15 minutes to get the result. The customer can pay online.
Bonn's first Corona rapid test centre opens this Friday at the Brückenforum in Beuel, Friedrich-Breuer-Straße 17. Sandro Heinemann, managing director of Panama Open Air GmbH, and CoviMedical are behind the initiative. The company from Dillenburg operates seven rapid test centres throughout Germany. Heinemann is taking over the eighth in cooperation. "We wanted to create an uncomplicated way for Bonn residents to gain some security in these difficult times," he says.
The procedure: an appointment is booked online and an individual barcode is assigned, which is used to identify the person with his or her identity card at the test centre. On site, the specialist staff take a swab from the throat and nose, after which you can go home. 15 minutes later, the result is sent by e-mail in encrypted form and in compliance with data protection regulations. Payment - the test costs 40.47 Euro including fees - is made online via Sofortüberweisung, Paypal, credit card, Apple Pay or Google Pay. Children and young people under the age of 18 must be accompanied by a parent or guardian.
The rapid antigen tests used are certified by the Federal Institute for Drugs and Medical Devices (BfArM) "and, according to the manufacturer, have a clinical sensitivity of 98.5 per cent," says Heinemann. After taking the sample, the test stick is placed in a buffer solution in which any virus particles present dissolve. In this way, any coronavirus proteins present can be detected, which bind to the antibodies of the test strips, the supplier informs.
More at www.15minutentest.de
(Original text: Richard Bongartz / Translation: Mareike Graepel)