Due to corona pandemic Central committee replaces city council in Bonn
Bonn · Last week Bonn City Council formed a new central committee. Due to the Corona pandemic, it was decided that the committee should meet on Monday instead of the council.
The meeting of the central committee at the Brückenforum in Beuel begins at 6pm on Monday. If there are no objections, the meeting will be broadcast live on the city's YouTube channel. The link to the stream can be found under www.bonn.de. Items on the agenda include the lawsuit filed by the City of Bonn against former Mayor Barbara Dieckmann and former City Director Arno Hübner, as well as the current status of the Melbbad.
The newly formed central committee consists of 15 voting and two advisory members. Full members are CDU (4 seats), SPD (3), Bündnis 90/Grüne (4), FDP (1), Linke (1), Bürgerbund Bonn (1) and Volt (1). The AfD and Die Partei are each represented by one member in an advisory capacity.
Section 60 of the North Rhine-Westphalia Municipal Code stipulates that the central committee can decide for the council in the case of an "epidemic situation of state-wide significance". This requires the consent of two-thirds of the council members. This was already the case earlier this year in May.
(Original text: Nicolas Ottersbach, Translation: Caroline Kusch)