Return to normal opening times Face mask required at Bonn recycling centres

Bonn · From Monday, the recycling and waste disposal centres in Bonn city will be open again at their normal times. The facility in Bad Godesberg on Weststraße can be accessed Monday to Friday from 8am to 5pm.

From Monday, the recycling and waste disposal centres in Bonn city will be open again at their normal times.

Foto: dpa/Armin Weigel

The same times apply to the recycling centre on the premises of the Bonn waste recycling plant, Am Dickobskreuz. This is also open on Saturdays from 8 am to noon. Bonnorange announced that only a certain number of people will be allowed on the site at any one time, in order to minimise the risk of infection for visitors and employees.

In addition, visitors are requested to wear mouth and nose protection (mask/scarf/cloth) from when they approach the recycling centre. Bonn residents can contact a hotline for advice on waste (Bürgertelefon Abfallberatung und Stadtsauberkeit) from Monday to Friday, 7am to 6pm. Staff are available to answer questions on 0228 5552720.

(Original text: jab, Translation: Caroline Kusch)