Local elections Greens take victory in Bonn and election for mayor goes into second round
Bonn/Rhein-Sieg-Kreis · Local elections were held yesterday in Bonn and the Rhine-Sieg District. In Bonn, the Green Party were victorious, and the election for Lord Mayor will go to the second round in two weeks’ time after the candidates failed to win a simple majority. In the Rhine-Sieg District the CDU (Christian Democrats) were the strongest party.
Long queues formed in many polling stations in Bonn and the region for the local elections in Bonn and the Rhein-Sieg District on Sunday. Voter turnout in Bonn was over 57 percent, where the Greens were the strongest party in the city council and the district councils. In the election for the Lord Mayor of Bonn, the incumbent Ashok Sridharan (CDU) will face Katja Dörner (Greens) in a second round in a fortnight's time. This is because no candidate managed to win over 50% of the votes.
In contrast the CDU was the biggest party in the Rhine-Sieg District - even though there will still be a second round to elect the mayor in some municipalities. Sebastian Schuster (CDU), who was able to secure a majority of the votes, remains head of the district council.
(Original text: GA, Translation: Caroline Kusch)