Opening hours Here are the supermarket opening hours in Bonn during Carnival
Bonn · Many supermarkets in Bonn will change their opening hours on Rosenmontag (Shrove Monday) and Weiberfastnacht (Women’s Carnival Day), while others will open as normal or not at all. Here’s an overview of opening times in Bonn.
Whether necessary groceries or the final drinks for a Carnival party – it’s not only those celebrating Carnival who need to replenish their fridge stocks during Carnival time. But this will not always be possible. While some supermarkets will stay open as normal, some are changing their opening hours on Weiberfastnacht (Women’s Carnival Day, 28 February) and Rosenmontag (Shrove Monday, 4 March) or are leaving their doors completely closed.
The Edeka Mohr on Bornheimer Straße is open from 8am to 10pm on Women’s Carnival Day and customers can shop there from 8am to 2pm on Shrove Monday. The Edeka-Mohr branch on Lievelingsweg will open as normal on the Thursday from 8am to 9pm and is open to 2pm on Shrove Monday.
The Edeka in Dottendorf will open “as normal” during Carnival. The Edeka on Konrad-Adenauer-Platz is closed on Women’s Carnival Day. It is open to 6pm on Shrove Monday. The Edeka Bachem on Sternenburgstraße is open to noon on Women’s Carnival Day and 1pm on Shrove Monday. The Edeka Schüren is open to 1pm on Shrove Monday and Women’s Carnival Day.
The Rewe on Friedensplatz has special opening hours during Carnival. On the Thursday the doors will open at 7am as normal but close at 4pm. The doors will be closed to customers on Shrove Monday due to the procession through the city centre. Things are different at the branch in Heerstraße. In the old town, you can shop from 7am to 4pm on Women’s Carnival day and to noon on Shrove Monday.
The branch in Weberstraße in Südstadt opens from 7am to 6pm on the Thursday and from 7am to noon on the Monday. The Rewe on Kölnstraße opens from 7am to 6pm on the Thursday and from 7am to noon on the Monday.
The Rewe supermarkets in Beuel are also altering their opening hours. The supermarket on Friedrich-Breuer-Straße will be closed on Women’s Carnival Day but there are no changes on Shrove Monday (7am to 10pm). You can shop at the branch on Küdinghovener Straße from 7am to 2pm on the Thursday and from 7am to noon on the Monday.
Only the branch on Poststraße will close on Shrove Monday. Otherwise there are no disruptions to customer opening hours.
There are hardly any changes to the opening hours on Women’s Carnival Day at the five Penny supermarkets in the city area. Only the branch at the Frankenbad will close at 1pm.
Carnival has no effect on the Lidl branches. All shops are open as normal.
There are no changes at the Kaufland in Tannenbusch. The supermarket is open from 7am to 10pm over Carnival.
(Original text:, Translation: Kate Carey)