Corona Pandemic Incidence rate reaches new high of 452.4
The seven-day incidence rate has again climbed to a new peak. However, the number of new infections has decreased slightly compared to the previous week.
The incidence rate has risen again and reached an all-time high. The Robert Koch Institute (RKI) this morning reported that 452.4 out of 100,000 inhabitants had contracted Covid-19 within the past seven days. This compares with 446.7 the previous day and 386.5 a week ago (last month: 64.3).
Within one day, health offices in Germany reported 29,364 new Corona infections to the RKI. This is the figure that could be seen on the RKI dashboard at 3:35 am today. Exactly one week ago, there were 30,643 infections.
73 new deaths
Across Germany, 73 deaths were recorded within 24 hours, according to the new data. This compares with 62 deaths a week ago. The RKI has counted 5,791,060 confirmed infections with Sars-CoV-2 since the start of the pandemic, but the actual total is likely to be much higher because many infections go undetected.
On Friday, the RKI reported the number of Corona patients admitted to hospitals per 100,000 population over a seven-day period as 5.97, up from 5.79 Thursday. The figure, which is not updated on weekends, plays an essential role in following the progress of infections. If the threshold values 3, 6 and 9 are exceeded in federal states, these can decide to impose stricter measures to combat the pandemic
The RKI gave the number of recovered patients as 4,852,800. The number of people who have died after becoming infected with Sars-CoV-2 rose to 100,956.
Original: dpa
Übersetzung: Jean Lennox