Staff shortage in kindergartens Limited substitute pool for daycare workers in Bonn
Bonn · How does the city of Bonn deal with acute staff shortages in daycare centers, as is currently the case? There is a municipal standby service, according to the city, but even that has too few staff.
The City of Bonn's standby service for staffing emergencies in daycare centers has staffing problems of its own. This was announced by the press office on Wednesday morning in the wake of the latest GA reporting. Bonn mother Julia Gei had written a desperate mail to the city: She often had to look after her child herself because of the staff shortage in the daycare center and could no longer do her job adequately.
The city emphasizes that all daycare providers are bound by legal requirements for minimum staffing levels, which come from the supervisory authority, the Rhineland Regional Association: "The city has no leeway whatsoever here. Some of the city's substitute workers are sick themselves or have longer assignments in daycare centers that are understaffed. Add to that, the substitute pool is very small, "and the positions cannot be refilled due to the shortage of skilled workers across the board”, a spokesperson for the city explained.
And why don't parents get money back when they have to cover the slack themselves? According to the city, the obligation to pay this fee exists under the city's parent contribution statutes -“regardless of the actual use of the childcare service": "According to the current statutes, a refund of kindergarten fees is only possible if the childcare service is not available for more than 15 days in a row.”
(Original text: Christine Ludewig / Translation: Carol Kloeppel)