Outdoor pool in Bonn Melbbad open again after technical defect

Bonn · Temperatures are at the 40 degree mark, but the Melbbad has been closed since the beginning of the week. On Thursday morning the city gave the all-clear: the problems have been solved.

Imagine it is the hottest day of the year and the Melbbad is closed – this is exactly the scenario that was feared today, Thursday, but can now be averted. As the city announced on Thursday morning that the outdoor pool has reopened. The technical defect, which made it necessary to close the swimming pool on Monday morning, has been repaired.

As reported, the power supply to the water treatment system had been out of action since the beginning of the week. Due to the temporary closure, the city was deprived of income that would have benefited the city finances: 2,500 visitors are not uncommon in Melbbad ín fine weather. How many visitors have paid their entrance fees at the cash desk so far, the city is currently unable to say. Information on alternatives can be found here.

(Original text: Rüdiger Franz, translation John Chandler)

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