Five-meter mark exceeded Rhine level in Bonn on the rise for days

Bonn · The Rhine level in Bonn has risen by about one meter from Saturday evening to Monday evening alone. In the next few days, it could rise further. The restaurant "Zur Siegfähre" is already preparing for this.

 The level of the Rhine in Bonn has risen in recent days. This photo was taken on Sunday in Graurheindorf.

The level of the Rhine in Bonn has risen in recent days. This photo was taken on Sunday in Graurheindorf.

Foto: Leandra Kubiak

The level of the Rhine in Bonn has risen steadily in recent days - and could continue to rise in the coming days. The reason is the storm which the German Weather Service (DWD) warned of on Monday. According to the DWD, a total of up to 200 liters of rain per square meter could fall at certain points between Tuesday morning and Thursday morning. When and where exactly, was still "very uncertain". The rain amounts could differ from area to area. "Therefore, a more precise containment is not yet possible." In most cases, only a few places would be hit with full intensity. Bonn and the surrounding communities are already preparing for the impending storm.

Due to the rain masses the flood danger rises again. This is also pointed out by the Bonn weather platform "Also the Rhine will increase from Basel to Cologne again. We do not fear an extreme flood, but a small summer flood is likely which is unusual and rare for July, is likely (current estimate 6.50 to 7.00 meters at gauge Bonn)," it announced. On Monday, the water level in Bonn was still far away from this level, however, it rose - according to the city's homepage from 4.85 meters at midnight to 5.03 meters on Monday evening around 6 pm. By comparison, the level was 4.74 meters on Sunday evening and 4.08 meters on Saturday evening.

Effects of high water in Bonn

From a level of six meters, ships are only allowed to travel slowly and in the middle of the stream. The Beueler Uferpromenade is flooded from a level of seven meters, for the waterfront and the roadway on the Rathenauufer between Erster and Zweiter Fährgasse in Bonn it becomes critical from seven meters. An overview of all effects of the water levels of the Rhine in Bonn can be found here.

The restaurant "Zur Siegfähre" in Troisdorf is preparing for the rising water level as a precaution. "Unfortunately, we had to decide today to clear out our business, because it will probably come as a larger flood wave," it says on Facebook on Monday. The pub will remain closed this week for now, it said.

Original text: (ga)

Translation: Mareike Graepel