Police operation in Bonn-Auerberg Scuffle after dispute over increased cab fare

Bonn · First, a passenger vomits in the car in the middle of the night - then refuses to pay for the cleaning: On Saturday night, a cab ride to Wiener Straße in Bonn-Auerberg ended with a dispute.

 A night ride to Auerberg has culminated in an altercation after an unpleasant incident. (Symbol photo)

A night ride to Auerberg has culminated in an altercation after an unpleasant incident. (Symbol photo)

Foto: dpa/Lino Mirgeler

A dispute between a cab driver and an unreasonable passenger has led to a police operation in the Wiener Straße in Auerberg on Sunday night. According to police, the cab passenger had initially vomited during a ride. Upon arrival at his destination on Wiener Straße at around 3 a.m., he then allegedly refused to pay an increased fare for cleaning the car.

Between cab driver and passenger a violent argument broke out, which was also carried out on the road and in the environment of a dwelling house and degenerated into a scuffle. Among other things, several residents informed the police.

Initially there had been indications of damaged windows and doors. This could not be determined by the officers, it was said on Sunday by the control center. Both parties involved in the dispute had filed charges against the other. (Original text: Alexander Barth / Translation: Mareike Graepel)