Current Corona situation Simultaneous vaccination against Corona and influenza possible

Bonn/Region · The Corona incidence rate has increased significantly in Bonn. Simultaneous vaccination against Corona and influenza are harmless according to Stiko. Here are some recent developments around the pandemic and case numbers.

 Simultaneous vaccination against Corona and influenza possible according to the Stiko.

Simultaneous vaccination against Corona and influenza possible according to the Stiko.

Foto: dpa/Felix Kästle

Health: Family doctors and Stiko call for flu vaccination

Soon the vaccination season against influenza begins again. Thereby even a double prick is conceivable: against flu and Corona at the same time.

In parallel with the fight against the Corona pandemic, experts say that as many people as possible should be vaccinated against influenza this year. The chairman of the German Association of General Practitioners, Ulrich Weigeldt, has called for more support for this.

"The most important thing for the second Corona autumn will be that as many people as possible get vaccinated, and not only against the Corona virus, but also against influenza," he told the Rheinische Post newspaper. Influenza vaccination should by no means be forgotten, he added, as it too makes a decisive contribution to protecting the population as well as relieving the burden on the healthcare system. "Everything must therefore be done to ensure that here, too, no obstacles are placed in the way of practices, both logistically and organisationally," Weigeldt said.

Stiko recommendation

The Standing Commission on Vaccination (Stiko) recommends influenza vaccination for people 60 years and older, pregnant women, those with previous illnesses, and medical personnel, among others. There is no explicit recommendation for healthy under-60s and children - but the Stiko does not advise against it either.

Two-thirds of the population vaccinated against Corona at least once

Two-thirds of all people in Germany have now been vaccinated against the Corona virus at least once, according to official figures. At least a first shot have been received by 55.4 million people or 66.6 percent of the total population, according to data from the Robert Koch Institute (RKI) from Tuesday. Fully vaccinated with the usually necessary second injection are 51.8 million people or 62.3 percent of all inhabitants.

Federal Health Minister Jens Spahn also called in view of a nationwide action week running until this Sunday to take many easy-to-use vaccination opportunities. "Every vaccination more makes a difference for fall and winter," the CDU politician wrote on Twitter. An additional booster vaccination has now been given to around 207,000 people, according to the RKI.

Spahn urgently calls for Corona vaccination

Federal Health Minister Jens Spahn (CDU) has once again urged citizens to get vaccinated against the Corona virus. In any case, a "basic immunity" of the population will be achieved by spring - and that "through infections or vaccination", Spahn said on Monday evening at the "Ständehaustreff" of the "Rheinische Post". He recommended the use of vaccinations, because that saves caregivers a lot of work and many deaths.

"The number of unvaccinated people in Germany is still too large," Spahn said. The delta variant of the Coronavirus is so contagious, he said, that if you don't want to lock yourself up at home alone for six months, you have only one choice left: "Either you get infected without protection or you'll get vaccinated." Nor, he said, could hospitals be overburdened.

Incidence rate in Bonn has risen significantly

The seven-day incidence in Bonn has risen significantly. It stands at 146.4 on Tuesday (Monday: 124, Sunday: 123.4), according to city officials. The city of Bonn registered 484 new infections in the past seven days, with 121 new cases added since yesterday.

There are currently 61 Covid-19 patients being treated in Bonn hospitals (as of Tuesday Sept. 14). 18 of them are being ventilated. A total of 27 are in intensive care.

Netherlands partially scraps requirements

The Netherlands is removing certain requirements and introducing a so-called Corona pass, according to a media report. As of September 25, distance rules would be lifted, reports broadcaster NOS. However, the mask requirement, for example in public transport and in schools, as well as the home office requirement, would remain in place. The Corona passport as proof of vaccination is to be used when visiting restaurants and cultural events and applies to everyone aged 13 and over. In the Netherlands, 65 percent of the population is fully vaccinated, according to official figures.

Original text: ga/dpa - Translation: Mareike Graepel