Police investigate Suspect arrested after attacks in Beuel

BONN · After two people were attacked and injured in Beuel, the police have arrested a suspect. The suspect is a 21-year-old man who is already known to the police.

 Am Rheinufer nahe der Königsheimstraße saß ein 27-Jähriger auf einer Bank, als ein Mann ihn plötzlich angriff.

Am Rheinufer nahe der Königsheimstraße saß ein 27-Jähriger auf einer Bank, als ein Mann ihn plötzlich angriff.

Foto: Nicolas Ottersbach

Police arrested a suspect in Bonn-Beuel on Wednesday afternoon in connection with the attack on two people, in which both of them were injured. According to police, the suspect is a 21-year-old man from Beuel with a police record for property and violent crimes and narcotics law violations.

According to the police, the suspected assailant was arrested on Steinerstraße in Beuel. They had received a tip that hardened allegations against the 21-year-old.

According to police spokesman Robert Scholten, the case is still under investigation. In both cases, the perpetrator used pointed objects to injure his victims' neck, shoulders, and face. The suspect denies the accusations. A possible motive for the attacks is not yet known. He did not know either of his victims. The 21-year-old is now to be brought before a judge, and the public prosecutor's office has requested a warrant of arrest for double attempted murder and dangerous bodily injury.

Orig. text: Andreas Dyck

Translation: ck

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