Trains The Deutschlandticket is valid: Additional regulations in NRW
Düsseldorf · The success of the 9-Euro-Ticket in the summer was quickly followed by calls for a successor. After long negotiations between the federal and state governments, the Deutschlandticket has been in effect since this Monday, May 1. In NRW, some additional regulations are planned or already in force.
Since Monday, the Deutschlandticket has been usable by passengers. This permanent successor to the 9-euro ticket from last summer costs 49 euros a month. It can be used nationwide on local and regional transport in the 2nd class. This includes buses, trams, city trains, underground trains, suburban trains, regional trains and regional express trains. Long-distance transport, such as ICE, IC and EC trains and journeys by private operators, are mostly excluded, as was the case with the 9-Euro Ticket. You can take children under the age of six with you on the Deutschlandticket. Older children need their own ticket.
The Deutschlandticket is a subscription ticket that can be cancelled monthly. It is bound to one person and cannot be transferred to other users. It is available mainly via mobile phone apps, internet portals and customer centres of the participating transport companies. You can use the ticket digitally on your mobile phone or order it in the form of a chip card. Unlike the 9-euro ticket, however, it cannot be purchased from vending machines and does not exist in paper form. There are also Jobticket variants of the Deutschlandticket.
According to a projection by the Association of German Transport Companies (Verband Deutscher Verkehrsunternehmen), well over three million people nationwide had bought the new ticket by the time it was launched on Monday. About 750,000 of them did not previously have a public transport pass.
The Deutschlandticket is not linked to the use of additional buses and trams or additional staff. The transport associations in NRW had also pointed out in recent weeks that the passenger load is not yet as high as it was before the pandemic.
According to the passenger association Pro Bahn NRW, with the start of the ticket, full regional trains must be expected on weekends and public holidays. Especially in those with a longer route, which from experience would be used for excursions and other leisure activities by families, it could be crowded again this summer. However, a similarly large rush of passengers as with the 9-Euro-Ticket is not to be expected. Construction sites with restrictions in regional transport could also contribute to full trains.
In NRW, additional regulations are planned or already in force. Within NRW, you can take your dog with you free of charge on the Deutschlandticket. On 1 July, a supplementary ticket for 1st class is planned for 69 euros per month, but this will only be valid in NRW. In addition, a Sozialticket (social ticket) valid throughout NRW is planned, as announced by the Ministry of Transport. Schoolchildren are also to be offered the opportunity to travel throughout NRW on local and regional public transport. There are no start dates for this yet.
Bicycles cannot be taken along free of charge with the Deutschlandticket. As with the 9-Euro-Ticket, an additional ticket must be purchased. There is also no guarantee that bicycles will be taken along if the train is full. On 1 July, a monthly bicycle subscription valid throughout NRW is to be offered as a supplement to the Deutschlandticket at a price of 39 euros.
Original text: dpa
Translation Jean Lennox