Sharp increase since the end of June The number of Coronavirus patients in Bonn clinics has risen

Bonn · As the summer wave of omicron swells, the number of covid patients in hospitals is increasing. There are now 169 in Bonn, seven of whom are on ventilators.

 Corona patients are treated in protective clothing - in this photo in a clinic in Saxony.

Corona patients are treated in protective clothing - in this photo in a clinic in Saxony.

Foto: dpa/Robert Michael

The number of Coronavirus patients in Bonn hospitals has risen sharply in July compared to the previous month. As of Thursday, 21 July, the city administration reports 169 people with Covid 19 disease in the clinics on its website. Of these, 13 were in intensive care; seven are on ventilators.

Previous high in March at 214 patients

As recently as 14 June, there were only 52 Coronavirus patients, of whom ten required intensive care (five on ventilators), according to city data. As the wave of Omicron infections swelled, significantly more patients had to be hospitalised from the end of June onwards. As of 14 July, there were 203 people, 21 of them in intensive care units (8 on ventilators), according to the city administration.

The highest number of people hospitalised so far was recorded by the municipality in spring: on 31 March, 214 infected people were hospitalised, 33 of them in intensive care units (18 on ventilators). The so-called hospitalisation incidence, which is supposed to reflect the burden on hospitals for all of NRW, was 8.5 on Sunday - a slight increase of 0.61 points.

Weekly incidence has limited significance

According to the State Centre for Health (LZG), the seven-day incidence in Bonn on Friday was 522 infected persons per 100,000 inhabitants. The incidence in the 30-39 age group was highest, at 73.

The statistic is only of limited significance, however: since rapid tests are no longer free of charge for everyone, the number of tests has decreased. In addition, there are no longer regular test series in schools and kindergartens. Finally, only positive PCR tests are included in the incidence. The city reported Coronavirus outbreaks in seven senior citizen facilities last week. (Original article: Andreas Baumann / Translation: Jean Lennox)