Weather outlook The week after Easter will be cool and windy in Bonn and the region

Bonn/Region · Following spring-like weather in Bonn and the region, temperatures have dropped considerably. For the coming week after Easter, strong winds are in the forecast and even a light snowfall is expected for some areas.

 The mild spring weather is over for the time being. The next few days in Bonn and the region will be rather cool and uncomfortable.

The mild spring weather is over for the time being. The next few days in Bonn and the region will be rather cool and uncomfortable.

Foto: Federico Gambarini/Archiv

People in Bonn and the region can expect some considerably cooler temperatures at the start of the week in the days following Easter.

Temperatures dropped significantly at Easter, following mild, spring-like weather last week. It will be quite chilly in the days following Easter, and even a light snowfall is expected for some areas. Temperatures could drop down to four degrees Celsius at night.

Wednesday starts out cloudy and windy. Beginning at noon, the sun will peek out from behind the clouds at times. Temperatures will be around six degrees Celsius.

On Thursday, it will remain rather uncomfortable at first, with some light rainfall and continuing strong winds. Temperatures will rise slightly to around nine degrees. There may be isolated rain showers.

On Friday, there will be a mix of sun and clouds, but it is expected to remain dry. The highs for the weekend are around ten degrees.

(Orig. tex: ga/dpaTranslation: ck)