Popular fair in Bonn These are the new rides at the Pützchens Markt 2018

Beuel · The city of Bonn presented the programme for the Pützchens Markt 2018 on Tuesday. There will be seven new attractions this year at the popular fair, which brings in people from all over the region, young and old.

Visitors to the 651st Pützchens Markt (7 to 11 September) can look forward to seven new attractions. The city of Bonn presented the programme in detail on Tuesday – about five months before the start.

All contracts with the fairground operators are signed. “We can’t and don’t want to keep the fair’s attractions secret any longer, because many Pützchens Markt fans are on social media and so more and more details are leaking out,” explained Günter Dick, head of the city’s citizens’ services.

Exciting rides and popular family attractions are once again the focus of the traditional event. Fair manager Harald Borchert listed the key new rides and proven attractions. Highlights for adrenalin junkies include:

Goldmine Tower

The freefall tower initially takes its guests on a comfortable ride to a height of almost 90 metres before letting them rush back to earth at speeds of up to 140 kilometres per hour. Before the descent, a special surprise awaits guests: at the highest point, the seats are tipped slightly forwards and the basket rotates once in this position through 360 degrees. Apart from Pützchen, the “Goldmine Tower” can only be found at a few German annual fairgrounds this season.

Apollo 13

The ride on “Apollo 13” is also breathtaking. The propeller, based completely on a space theme, brings passengers to a height of up to 55 metres at speeds of up to 120 kilometres per hour. Depending on the rotation of the gondola, accelerations of from 0G, which is similar to weightlessness in space, to up to 5G (comparable to a rocket launch) occur.

Mr Gravity

On this ride, the daring are turned in circles on a rotating disc at speeds of up to 100 kilometres per hour. The disc also rises to an angle of 90 degrees and reaches a height of up to 18 metres. Quick changes in direction and forces of up to 5 G should allow for extra special thrills.


The “Kaleidoscope” funhouse is brand new and first being launched onto the market this spring. Behind exciting steampunk scenery, a magical world of colours and forms awaits guests. Equipped with spectral glasses, they embark on an 80 metre long course through a warm and cold room equipped with modern laser technology and LED effects. A rotating barrel as a highlight gives the feeling of being in the middle of a kaleidoscope.


Two attractions from the anniversary year of the historical fair are also represented on the fairground for the first time: the “Ride to Paradise” and the nostalgic horse carousel “Schleifer’s Carousel.”

Ghost train

Also new is the “Ghosts Villa” which promises ghoulish fun for the whole family with its live ghosts, electronically animated mummies and real fire effects.

(Original text: Holger Willcke. Translation: kc)