Weiherstraße in Bonn Town creates new cycle path behind the town hall

Bonn · The city has created a new cycle path behind the Stadthaus in Bonn. Cyclists now have the opportunity to cycle against the one-way street. There is a good reason for this.

 There are new road markings behind the townhouse.

There are new road markings behind the townhouse.

Foto: Bundesstadt Bonn

The Weiherstraße behind the Stadthaus in Bonn, previously a one-way street, is now open to cyclists in the opposite direction between Franzstraße and Maxstraße. This was announced by the city on Tuesday.

In the past, the administration had provided the Bonn district council with an overview of the one-way streets open and not open for cyclists. Among others, Weiherstraße was also listed there, the opening of which was initially postponed. However, it had turned out that many cyclists did not adhere to the one-way rule. With the new cycle path, for which six flower pots were moved, passage is now legally possible.

(Original text: GA Bonn / Translation: Mareike Graepel)