Welcome to Bonn Medical Care

The former capitol of Germany has a particularly high number of medical care facilities. Here is an overview of important addresses, terminology and emergency phone numbers.

Welcome to Bonn: Medical Care
Foto: dpa/Bernd Weissbrod

Emergency Telephone Numbers

Ambulance: 112

Fire: 112

Police: 110

Doctors' Emergency Call Centre (Arztnotrufzentrale): 0228-19292

Poisoning Emergency 24 hours: 0228-19240

Kinderklinik (Children’s Hospital)(on the B9): 0228-28733333

Dental Emergencies: 0805-986700

Kinder + Jugendärztliche Notfallpraxis (Child & youth emergencies) am Marien-Hospital: 0228-2425444

University Clinic: 0228-28712000

Emergency Pharmacies: 0800-0022833

Central Emergency Veterinarian: 0228-9343019

Telefonseelsorge (Spiritual healing helpline): 0800-1110111 or 0800-1110222

Kinder- und Jugendtelefon (help line for young people):0800-1110333

Specialty Clinics in Bonn

Specialty Clinics in Bonn

Foto: dpa


For prescription medication from your doctor or over the counter medicines you will need to look for an "Apotheke" sign, which will also have a green cross sign outside the shop, or alternatively a large red "A". There are a lot of pharmacies around the Bonn area.



Foto: Sasin Tipchai / Pixabay

During the weekend you will find that only certain pharmacies will be on duty. The address of the nearest pharmacy on duty can be found on the front window of any pharmacy or by checking the link.

Enter your zip code where it says “Apotheke finden” in the upper right corner, press “Notdienst” and you will get a map and addresses of the nearest emergency pharmacies.