Welcome in Bonn Sports

You want to play cricket or badminton and the kids want to play soccer? Here you find out how and where...

Welcome in Bonn: Sports
Foto: privat


Welcome in Bonn: Sports
Foto: Roland Friese

1. BC Beuel 1955 e.V.
Limpericher Straße 141
53225 Bonn-Beuel
Tel. 02241/333653
E-Mail: info@bcbeuel.de

DJK BW Friesdorf e.V.
c/o Michael Anhäuser
Sankt Augustinus Straße 18
53173 Bonn
E-Mail: Abteilungsleiter@badminton-friesdorf.de

SSF Bonn 1905 e.V.
Kölnstraße 313a
53117 Bonn
Tel. 0228/676868
E-Mail: badminton@ssfbonn.de
Leiter der Badmintonabteilung: Till Winkelmann, Stellvertretender Abteilungsleiter: Gustav Weis


Welcome in Bonn: Sports
Foto: Nicolas Ottersbach

Deutsche Welle CC
Contact: Tim Jones
Tel. 02205/8940753
Training: Bonn, Rheinaue (spring, summer and autumn) on mondays, 7 – 9 pm; winter: Bertolt-Brecht-Gesamtschule, Schlesienstraße 21-23, Bonn-Tannenbusch on mondays 7-9 pm
Facebook, Blog

Bonn Veterans CC Veterans Cricket Club Bonn e.V.
Konstantinstraße 153
53179 Bonn
Tel: 0228/364703
Contact: Raymond Cooray

Welcome in Bonn: Sports
Foto: Ronald Friese

Golden Star Cricket Club Bonn e.V.
Volkerstraße 1
53179 Bonn
Tel: 0171/4560180
Contact: Muhammad Nadeem Abbasi

Bonn Cricket Society e.V.
Von-Halberg-Straße 26
53125 Bonn
Tel. 0228/250117
Contact: immobilienbuero-perera@arcor.de

Welcome in Bonn: Sports
Foto: MLH/Horst Müller

Rheinland Riders Cricket Club e.V.


Welcome in Bonn: Sports
Foto: MLH/Horst Müller

There are several local football (soccer) clubs. Children can improve their German language as well as their football skills! Look for one in your local area. For example:

SSV Plittersdorf
Lucas-Cranach-Str. 23
53175 Bonn
Tel. 0228/37 39 98
Afternoons from 4 or 5 pm – depending on age group

Welcome in Bonn: Sports
Foto: Nicolas Ottersbach

FC Blau-Weiß Friesdorf
Margaretenstr. 1
53175 Bonn


Godesberger Judo Club (judo, taikwondo, self defence)
Im Gries 48
53179 Bonn-Mehlem
Tel. 0228/34 29 55
Children can join from 6 years old for judo, 10 years old for self defence. Self defence Courses are also run for women. (All will be in German)


Bonner Ruder-Gesellschaft e.V.
Elsa-Brändström-Str. 74
53227 Bonn (Beuel)


Rugby Club Bonn-Rhein-Sieg
Martin-Luther-King-Str. 22
53175 Bonn (Plittersdorf)
Tel. 0228/23 30 02
Contact: moore@rcbrs.de
Training programme for boys and girls aged 7 to 17

Sports Centres

Godesberger Turnverein
Moltkestrasse 41
53173 Bonn Bad Godesberg
Tel. 0228/35 52 15
This sports centre can be contacted for information on wide variety of sporting activities, eg volleyball, badminton, gymnastics for adults and children.