New speed limits 30 km/h speed limit to apply on more streets in Bonn

Bonn · The city of Bonn will introduce 30 km/h speed limits on five more street sections. This should reduce traffic noise for residents and ensure more safety on the streets.

 This sign will soon be found on five more stretches of road in Bonn.

This sign will soon be found on five more stretches of road in Bonn.

Foto: Benjamin Westhoff

The City of Bonn plans to introduce 30 km/h speed limits on five more road sections, mainly to reduce noise pollution for residents. The following stretches of road are affected:

City district of Bonn

- Kölnstraße between Kaiser-Karl-Ring and Oxfordstraße

- Reuterstraße between Bonner Talweg and Oskar-Walzel-Straße

City district of Beuel

- Siegburger Straße between Pützchens Chaussee and Am langen Graben

City district of Bad Godesberg

- Aennchenplatz and Burgstraße to Quellenstraße

City district of Hardtberg

- Rochusstraße and Am Burgweiher between Helmholztstraße and Im Mühlenfeld

Criteria for the selection of the sections were the noise level of the streets as well as the number of residential units affected by the noise. According to the city, as many people as possible should benefit from the speed reduction.

Mayor Katja Dörner explains the new speed limits as follows: "Many Bonn residents are exposed to traffic noise every day." Reducing the speed limit to 30 kilometres per hour will improve the quality of life for residents and ensure greater safety on the roads.

(Original text: Marco Rauch; Translation: Mareike Graepel)

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